Quantifying n-photon indistinguishability with a cyclic integrated interferometer has been published in PRX!

A joint paper between IFN-CNR, CNRS and Sapienza on a new method for the quantification of n-photon indistinguishability has been published in PRX!

We report on a universal method to measure the genuine indistinguishability of n-photons – a crucial parameter that determines the accuracy of optical quantum computing. Our approach relies on a low-depth cyclic multiport interferometer with N = 2n modes, leading to a quantum interference fringe whose visibility is a direct measurement of the genuine n-photon indistinguishability. We experimentally demonstrate this technique for a 8-mode integrated interferometer fabricated using femtosecond laser micromachining and four photons from a quantum dot single-photon source. We measure a four-photon indistinguishability up to 0.81±0.03. This value decreases as we intentionally alter the photon pairwise indistinguishability. The low-depth and low-loss multiport interferometer design provides an efficient and scalable path to evaluate the genuine indistinguishability of resource states of increasing photon number.

The paper has also received a Focus story on Physics, 15, 135.

M. Pont, R. Albiero, S. E. Thomas, N. Spagnolo, F. Ceccarelli, G. Corrielli, A. Brieussel, N. Somaschi, H. Huet, A. Harouri, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, N. Belabas, F. Sciarrino, R. Osellame, P. Senellart, A. Crespi, Quantifying n-photon indistinguishability with a cyclic integrated interferometer, Phys. Rev. X, Vol. 12, 031033 (2022)