QuiX Quantum

Principal Investigator: Jelmer Renema (CTO)
Dr. Jelmer Renema is Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and is an expert on quantum photonics, with over 1500 citations on 35 papers on the subject. He obtained his PhD from Leiden University in 2011 on a study on superconducting single photon detectors. Subsequently, he worked as a Junior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford before returning to the Netherlands in 2017, obtaining a Veni grant from the Dutch National Science Foundation NWO and founding QuiX Quantum. He has worked in single photon detection, single photon sources, quantum information theory and waveguide optics.

Team members involved in PHOQUSING:

Rolf Evenblij, Strategic Cooperations Manager
He has an international multi-disciplinary record across multiple market sectors providing high level strategic planning focused on technological advancement. Together with Jelmer Renema he will coordinate Phoqusing within QuiX Quantum and be responsible for dissemination & innovation activities.

Ben Kassenberg, Quantum System Engineer
He is an expert in optics and integrated circuits, will be in charge, together with Henk Snijders, of building and assembling the quantum photonic sampling machine QALCULUS one of two prototypes which are developed in Phoqusing (WP5).

Henk J. Snijders, Quantum System Engineer
He is an expert in single photon sources, will be in charge, together with Ben Kassenberg, of building and assembling the quantum photonic sampling machine QALCULUS one of two prototypes which are developed in Phoqusing (WP5).


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