Outreach activities

1 September 2021

UNIROMA: Italian Quantum Weeks exhibition “Speak the Unspeakable: A Journey into Quantum Mechanics”

Quantum Lab is pleased to announce the 2024 edition of the Italian Quantum Weeks exhibition “Speak the Unspeakable: A Journey into Quantum Mechanics” to be held at the Botanical Garden of Rome from 13 to 19 April. The event is organized in collaboration with the Department of Physics, the Museum of Physics and the Botanical Garden Museum of the Sapienza University of Rome.

Link: https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/sapienzaquantumweeks/visite-e-prenotazioni

Link: https://www.phoqusing.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/locandina_Dire-Lindicibile-2024.pdf

LIN INL: PhD student Filipa Peres talks about preprint article funded by PHOQUSING

5 March 2023

Short (4-min) video by PhD student Filipa Peres on a preprint funded by PHOQUSING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIkEHjM1FLg&ab_channel=InternationalIberianNanotechnologyLaboratory

Article: F.C.R. Peres, E.F. Galvão. Quantum circuit compilation and hybrid computation using Pauli-based computation (2022), [arXiv:2203.01789]

CNRS: colloquium at ENS Physics departement

15 February 2023

Title of the presentation: Quantum light generation with artificial atoms

Link: http://www.enseignement.phys.ens.fr/spip.php?article5867&lang=fr

CNRS: talk at Imperial College London

August 2022

Title of the presentation: Coherence-powered work exchanges between a solid state qubit and light fields

CNRS: lecture at Palaiseau, high energy physics summer school

July 2022

Title of the presentation: Une seconde revolution quantique

CNRS: Colloquium at University of Adelaïde

7 July 2022

Title of the presentation: Quantum light for quantum technologies

Link: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/ipas/events/list/2022/07/quantum-light-for-quantum-technology-prof-pascale-senellart

CNRS: lecture at Cours aux enseignants d’école préparatoires in Palaiseau

April 2022

Title of the presentation: Une seconde revolution quantique

CNRS: Meetings with groups of high school students in Palaiseau, journées “Filles, Maths & Informatique, une équation lumineuse”

April 2022

UNIROMA: Quantum Lab exhibits at the first world quantum day

31 March 2022

Quantum Lab celebrates the first world quantum day, presenting the exhibition “Speak the unspeakable” within the Italian Quantum Weeks project.

Title of the presentations:
– Dire l’indicibile: la sovrapposizione quantistica
– Dire l’indicibile: il regno dei quanti

Link: https://www.phoqusing.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/locandina-Roma-3-1.pdf

UNIROMA: participation to French Presidency Event Quantum Ambitions in Saclay

21 February 2022


12 October 2021 – 27 February 2022

Presentation: Sorgente di stati fotonici per computazione e comunicazione quantistica

CNRS Distinguished lecturer in Munich

18 November 2021

Title of the presentation: Photons: the quantum link

Link: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/photons-the-quantum-link.html

CNRS: Colloquium “Quantum light for quantum technologies” at the MCQST Colloquium Series

20 April 2021

Pascale Senellart, PI CNRS, has been invited to MCQST Colloquium to talk about “Quantum light for quantum technologies”.

Link: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/pascale-senellart.html

CNRS: talk on “Quantum light for quantum technologies” at the Quantum Portugal Initiative

13 April 2021

Colloquium “Photonic Quantum Computation” at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Keele University (UK), by Pascale Senellart, PI CNRS.

Link: https://quantumportugalinitiative.inl.int/lectures/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMrg8FPncPo

CNRS: seminar on “Generation of pure quantum light in the solid-state” at the JQI

5 April 2021

Seminar about “Generation of pure quantum light in the solid-state” at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), by Pascale Senellart, PI CNRS.

Link: https://jqi.umd.edu/events/2021/04/05/generation-pure-quantum-light-solid-state

UNIROMA: INgegneria INcontra in Rome

25 March 2021

Fabio Sciarrino is presenting “La seconda rivoluzione quantistica: dal computer alle comunicazioni”

Link: https://news.uniroma1.it/25032021_1900

LIN INL: Colloquium “Vantagem computacional quântica” at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

19 February 2021

Ernesto F. Galvão, LIN INL PI, had a colloquium at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, available online.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f7VYTPAXbo&t=1624s

LIN INL: Colloquium “Photonic Quantum Computation” at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Keele University

20 January 2021

Colloquium “Photonic Quantum Computation” at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Keele University (UK), by Ernesto Galvão, LIN INL PI.

Link: https://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/seminars.html

UNIROMA1 PI: invited lecture at the Genoa Science Festival

29 October 2020

Dissemination lecture of Fabio Sciarrino (UNIROMA 1 PI) at the Genoa Science Festival “Computer quantistici: istruzioni per l’uso. Benvenuti nell’era della quantum supremacy”. 

Programme: https://www.phoqusing.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/programma_FdS_2020-1.pdf